1) Install Custom Field Template ( wp-admin > plugins > add new ) 2) Config Custom Field Template like this ( Leave the rest as it is ) Template #0 * Template Title: Header image * Post type: Both * Template Content: [File Upload] type = file 3) Make sure that in Atahualpa > Configure Header Area this is entered: %image 4) Now for 2 copy and paste actions in the code, use notepad/gedit/araneae whatever text editor you want. OPEN wp-content/themes/atahualpa/functions/bfa_header_config.php DIY Now make a backup of this file! FIND # Around line 274 // Header Image if ( strpos($header_items,'%image') !== FALSE ) { FIND ob_start(); AFTER, ADD // Ramon Fincken, global $wpdb; // We need a DB object/connection $temp = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'File Upload', true); $sql = "SELECT meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = '".$temp."' AND meta_key = '_wp_attached_file'"; $temp = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_N); if(count($temp) == 1) // If we find an image { $temp_image = $temp[0][0]; $single_uploadpath = get_option('home').'/wp-content/uploads/'; if(!file_exists($single_uploadpath.$temp_image)) // Make sure it _really_ exists on the server { // if this is WordPress MU .. do not keep your nickers in a twist .. $upload_path1 = ABSPATH . get_option('upload_path'); $upload_path2 = str_replace('themes/' . get_option('stylesheet').'/functions', '', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']).'/wp-content/blogs.dir/' . $wpdb->blogid . '/files'; if(file_exists($upload_path1.$temp_image)) { $temp_image = $upload_path1.$temp_image; } elseif(file_exists($upload_path2.$temp_image)) { $temp_image = $upload_path2.$temp_image; } else { $upload_path1 .= '/'; $upload_path2 .= '/'; if(file_exists($upload_path1.$temp_image)) { $temp_image = $upload_path1.$temp_image; } elseif(file_exists($upload_path2.$temp_image)) { $temp_image = $upload_path2.$temp_image; } else { // Not found at all .. unset($temp_image); } } if(isset($temp_image)) { // From serverpath to realpath $temp = explode('/wp-content',$temp_image); $temp_image = 'http://'.$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].'/wp-content'.$temp[1]; } } else { $temp_image = $single_uploadpath.$temp_image; } } // Ramon Fincken, PARTIAL FIND echo '
'; AFTER, ADD } // File exists if(isset($temp_image)) { $header_image = '
'; echo $header_image; } // Ramon Fincken, 5) Now go to a page or post and upload a new header image for that page ! You can always remove the image again and the default header image will be shown!