0) { // Note: in my case I want to do some deletes, but feel free to // * call a function ( make sure phpbb has ACCESS to that function ! ) // * do an insert in a "users_deleted" table, which can be read by your own code/CMS to perform actions later :) $sql = array(); $sql[] = 'DELETE FROM some_table WHERE user_id = '.$user_id; $sql[] = 'UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY suggestions SET submitter = 0 WHERE submitter = '.$user_id; foreach($sql AS $key => $sql_temp) { $db->sql_query($sql_temp); } } return; } $phpbb_hook->add_hook('user_delete'); // This is a non standard hook, add this one without having to edit the core hooks file $phpbb_hook->register('user_delete', 'my_user_delete', 'first'); // Tell hook to perform my_user_delete directly when the function user_delete is called ?>