Every time I have a new client/WP install I need to add some default pages like “Home, Contact, About, Products” etc..
Because of the autosave function and the fact that it takes a few minutes I decided this could be done in a much faster way.
Therefore I created this plugin. You simply add the titles of multiple posts OR pages in a textarea, select the author of those posts/pages and hit submit. That’s it !
[b:6d77c4d37d]Screenshots below![/b:6d77c4d37d]
[code:1:6d77c4d37d]=== Simple add pages or posts ===
Contributors: Simon Dirlik, Ramon Fincken
Donate link: http://donate.ramonfincken.com
Tags: admin,admins,add,mass,simple,easy,post,posts,page,pages,multiple,about,default
Requires at least: 2.0.2
Tested up to: 2.9.2
Stable tag: 1.0
Plugin to simply add multiple posts or pages at once by entering their titles. Handy tool if you have a new blog and want to quickly add pages like Home, About, Contact …
== Description ==
Plugin to simply add multiple posts or pages at once by entering their titles. Handy tool if you have a new blog and want to quickly add pages like Home, About, Contact …
== Installation ==
1. Upload directory `simple-add-pages-or-posts` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3. Visit Plugins menu to add your post(s) or page(s).
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
None available
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
First release
== Screenshots ==
1. Enter title
2. After submit
Update: @16022010: More people have been waiting for this plugin:
40 Most Wanted WordPress Plugins > [url]http://loveishs.com/40-most-wanted-wordpress-plugins.html[/url]
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