Original url and source for explanation and images: seoadsensethemes.com/wp-post-thumbnail-wordpress-plugin/
Great plugin, however the default 0.1.8 version has some errors and the most recent version refuses to install. Look at screenshot #2 to see what this plugin does.
Screenshots at the bottom.
I’ve altered some functionality to make this version work as it was intended to work. I have tested this on 2.8.x till 3.0.3
[code:1:00ecb16338]1) Download zipfile
2) Unpack zipfile and wp_post_thumbnail_0.1.8ext.zip to your harddrive
COPY wp-content/plugins/*.* to [yourserver]/wp-content/plugins/*.*
COPY wp-content/uploads/*.* to [yourserver]/wp-content/uploads/*.*
Pay attention!
COPY wp-content/themes/yourthemename/wppt.xml to [yourserver]/wp-content/themes/[yourthemename]/wppt.xml
So if you use the Grid Focus theme, do this:
COPY wp-content/themes/yourthemename/wppt.xml to [yourserver]/wp-content/themes/grid_focus/wppt.xml
So if you use the Default theme, do this:
COPY wp-content/themes/yourthemename/wppt.xml to [yourserver]/wp-content/themes/default/wppt.xml
4) Make sure [yourserver]/wp-content/uploads/wp-post-thumbnail is writable by PHP/your webserver
5) Edit [yourserver]/wp-content/themes/[yourthemename]/wppt.xml
6) Go to wp-admin > Plugins and install the WP Post thumbnail
Code to get the URL of the image called pft_square, use this in your
[code:1:00ecb16338]img src=”<?php CODE_HERE “[/code:1:00ecb16338] HTML to show the image.
[code:1:00ecb16338]get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘pft_square’, true); ?>[/code:1:00ecb16338]
[b:00ecb16338]Extra info[/b:00ecb16338]
The default thumbnail is 160px by 90px which floats to the top left corner of the content of your post.
If your WordPress blog uses a theme that comes with pre-configured set of thumbnail(s) to work with this plugin, the theme’s folder should contain an XML file called ‘wppt.xml‘ created by the theme developer. In this case, it will override the default thumbnail. For theme developers, more information on how to configure WP Post Thumbnail for your WordPress theme can be found in FAQ.
Q: I am developing a WordPress theme. How do I configure WP Post Thumbnail to work specifically for my theme?
WP Post Thumbnail – WordPress Plugin – Theme Developer Flow
Theme developer’s flow illustration (250Kb).
Opens in new window.
A: This is the purpose of which WP Post Thumbnail is written for. The current version of this plugin assumes that you, as theme developer, have basic knowledge of writing a configuration file in XML format and calling/placing the thumbnails’ custom field value within your theme.
For the visually inclined, click the thumbnail on the right to open an image that illustrates basically how theme developers can use WP Post Thumbnail to handle thumbnail(s) in their WordPress themes.
I have included a sample XML configuration file in the plugin’s main folder called ‘wppt.xml‘.
[b:00ecb16338]Each thumbnail has four properties:[/b:00ecb16338]
<name> specifies a friendly name to appear in the thumbnail tab in ‘Write Post’ area.
<desc> a short description about the thumbnail
<width> thumbnail width in pixels
<height> thumbnail height in pixels
IMPORTANT: All fields are required!
Save your file as ‘wppt.xml‘ and put it in your theme’s folder (any folder will do). Blogs that uses your theme, and has WP Post Thumbnail plugin activated, will detect your ‘wppt.xml‘ configuration file.
Q: Where are all the cropped thumbnails stored?
A: They are stored in ‘wp-post-thumbnail‘ folder inside your WordPress default upload path. Eg. ‘/wp-content/uploads/wp-post-thumbnail’ by default.
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